
Maria Mota Almeida
Maria Mota Almeida

Scientific Coordination

Degree in History, a Master's degree and PhD  in Museology (ULHT).  Lecturer at  Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril (ESHTE). Institute Researcher of Contemporary History of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Conceição Machado
Conceição Machado

Technical Coordination

Degree in History with specialization in Information Sciences and Tourism. Coordinator of the Celestino Domingues Library (ESHTE).

João Reis
João Reis

SIG Management

PhD in Geography (Urban and Regional Planning at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon). Degree in Geography (Geography Teaching at Faculty of Arts, University of Lisbon). Coordination of the Scientific area of ​​Tourism and Leisure and Direction of the Degree in Tourism Management. Professor, researcher at CiTUR and member of the Technical-Scientific, Pedagogical and Evaluation and Quality Councils of ESHTE.

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