
MUVITUR organizes virtual roundtable on International Museum Day 2021

May 19, 2021

Under the theme defined by ICOM for 2021,‘The Future of Museums: Recovering and Reimagining , the Virtual Museum of Tourism (MUVITUR) organized a virtual roundtable to celebrate the International Day of Museums (18 May).

The guests were: Daniel Gomes (, FCT), João Abreu (Museu da Paisagem), partners of MUVITUR, and Judite Primo (UNESCO Chair “Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity). The MUVITUR team was represented by Fernando João Moreira (Scientific Consultant), Maria José Aurindo (Operational Coordinator) and Maria Mota Almeida (Scientific Coordinator), being the moderator in charge of the latter.

Emphasis on the importance of digital heritage and its preservation and dissemination, as well as their relationship with learning, teaching and research.

The presentation of the new MUVITUR website was also made.

You can watch or review here.

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