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International Conference distinguishes MUVITUR scientific article - News -


International Conference distinguishes MUVITUR scientific article

November 25, 2019

The challenges for the development and future of the Virtual Tourism Museum (MUVITUR) (mentioned in a recently published in an ESHTE Newsletter article), include very different areas. Celestino Domingues Library, as a digital content provider for the MUVITUR catalog, has been strengthened by a team of new members, which has recently allowed it to significantly augment the digital objects available in full format in several of its collections. MUVITUR makes available to you.

The communication entitled “Virtual Museum of Tourism (MUVITUR) © unveils Madeira's history of tourism (1930-2000)”, by Maria Aurindo and Conceição Machado, presented at the International Tourism Conference (ITC'19) organized by the Research Center , Development and Innovation in Tourism (CITUR), between the 5th and 7th of November in Funchal. The scientific article with the same title received an honorable mention from the Scientific Committee of the event and will be published in the European Journal of Tourism Hospitality and Recreation.

Read the extended abstract in the proceedings book.


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