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Muvitur on NEWSESHTE - News -


Muvitur on NEWSESHTE

September 01, 2019

«A project of this nature and with this dimension needs to be continuously fed and updated by the work of a multidisciplinary team. It also requires that, when considered a priority and differentiating element of ESHTE in relation to other similar institutions, one or two members of the team can dedicate themselves fully to it. The challenges, as already mentioned, include very diverse areas ranging from preservation to contents growth, promotion and dissemination, aiming to demonstrate the usefulness and relevance o in the area of ​​tourism. Right from the start, it is intended to increase research and promote the articulation between research and teaching, in a collaborative perspective. This perspective will be deepened through the formalization of collaboration protocols with Portuguese and foreign partners. Obviously, we will not be able to make fundraising absolutely vital to its existence. In order to make MUVITUR accessible in various parts of the world, content and indexing terms will be translated into English in this first phase, as well as improving the site in terms of accessibility and design..»

Read the full article in Newsletter ESHTE

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